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"Big results require big ambitions"



I accept and Understand that All the Independent Collaborators, (hereinafter called "I.C. or   I. Collaborator") are not employees, associates, dependents or assistants contracted by LOBO MEDIA STUDIO and their collaboration is only as a freelancer, self-employed, professional independent or as part of other company, offering their services to LOBO MEDIA STUDIO.

I accept and Understand too, that LOBO MEDIA STUDIO have not any responsibility or labor obligation with not any I. Collaborator and, the I. Collaborator look after their own tax and National Insurance contributions ( NICs ) in their respective Countries.

I accept and Understand too, that basically, an I. Collaborator is an external services supplier, selected by their skills and that will be in a proof period, payed for their services by project or in exchange for benefits or services with LOBO MEDIA STUDIO.

LOBO MEDIA STUDIO reserves the right to terminate the relationship with any I. Collaborator at any time and without prior notice, in case of fault at moral codes, respect, responsibility or punctuality, as well as lack of quality or punctuality in the deliveries.

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